Sunday, July 27, 2008

Baaaaa'd Blogger

Well, I have to be the world's worst blogger. Thanks, Michelle, for pointing out my absence from my own site! And thanks to Becky Utecht at River Oaks Farm who keeps prodding me to update the blog and pictures of my sheepies online...

Yes, we DO have sheep...we had 10 Shetland lambs this spring. We have six boys and four girls. I have pictures to upload yet so stay tuned! So far I am very happy with three of the six boys as well as all the girls. Since we are building our own farm flock, we will keep the girls; I will have several of the boys for sale as breeding stock. Pictured above is Little Red Oak Lyra with her 2008 twin ewe lambs. In January, Lyra and her 2007 ram and ewe lamb arrived at our farm as a result of a divorce. Lyra was housed with her 2007 ram lamb before coming to our farm, so these girls are likely the result of line breeding. They have lovely black fiber and nice structure but will not be registered.
And this cute little ram lamb was born to Little Red Oak Lily. He has fine, crimpy white fleece with a moorit colored spot. Or moorit with a white spot? His horns are coming in nicely, too.
I promise I will post more sheep pictures soon!!