Thursday, May 21, 2009

We're Moving!

No, not the farm. When we moved here, almost three years ago, I told my hubby that he will bury me here. I LOVE this place. The land, the sky, the trees, the wind, the people. And besides, I hate moving! No, we have not moved the farm. I decided to move The Blog.

I have switched to They have some nice features and seem very user friendly.

In my attempt to have a website, I have been foiled by what I felt was a cumbersome user system for a novice such as myself. Also, having pictures and files in more than one place is a duplication of effort. With wordpress, I can consolidate both together. It will take some time before I get all the files and pictures moved, so please bear with me. I will keep this blogspot site for awhile so readers can find us at our new home. But, I have started posting on the other site so please run over there and check us out! The address is

A BIG THANK YOU to all of you who are following my blog!! I have learned that there are people out there who actually enjoy my posts and read this blog on a regular basis. Well, who would have imagined that? Not The Shepherdess!

Helena says - "Follow me to where the grass is greener. Check out the new blog site at "

Thursday, May 14, 2009

Shepherding 201 (Part 1) or How I Became a Surrogate Mother One Day...

My name is Duncan. And this is my story. The Shepherdess will tell it for me.

Last week, Monday night at about 10pm, I heard a loud baaaa-ing outside in the barnyard. I shined the flashlight on Bunny to see that she was in labor. I was so excited that I would get to see my first lambing, from start to finish! I grabbed the camera, lambing bucket and several flashlights, put on a jacket and headed out to the barnyard. I positioned myself about 10 feet away, sat on my bucket seat and waited. Bunny grunted and made little "uunghhh" sounds as she pushed. I turned the flashlight on to get a better look at the progress every few minutes. After about 30 minutes a little black lamb came slipping out. She went right to the baby and started licking away the sack. It took about 10 minutes for the little guy to get up on his wobbly legs and start searching for mom's teat.

I thought Bunny may be carrying twins this year. Sure enough she started pushing again and a white ram lamb plopped onto the ground. Bunny seemed preoccupied with the first lamb nursing, so I cleaned the sac away from the twin lamb's nose and mouth so he wouldn't inhale amniotic fluid into his lungs. Then Bunny found the white twin lamb and started licking him off and making her nickering sounds. I left the new family, going to the barn to prepare a jug with fresh straw, hay, water and minerals.

Bunny followed her twins into the lambing jug. I had both of them in my hands, held together at her nose height so she could see them. She was very loud with her disapproval of my taking her lambs into the barn, but once there she settled in with the boys. I stripped her teats to make sure the milk was flowing, clipped the umbilical cords to about one inch, and dipped them in iodine. Next, I weighed the boys. The black twin weighed 6 lb. 10 oz., the white twin 5 lb. 8 oz. Both ram lambs nursed and the new family settled in for the night. It was about midnight when I got back into the house.

The next morning, all was peaceful with Bunny and babes. The black lamb has white on his face, neck, ears and white frosting on his sides. The white lamb is all white. When I went back out to check on the family, around noon, I was dismayed to find Bunny slamming her white lamb into the side of the jug. She wouldn't let him nurse or get near her or his twin. I took him out of the pen and put him in the next pen. I checked his teeth to see if they were sharp and needed filing. No, they were fine - and his mouth was warm. That was a good sign - he had been able to nurse and get some colostrum from his mother. It had been about 13 hours since he was born. I headed for the house to get my sheep book so I could see what was suggested when a ewe rejects her lamb. I went back to the barnyard to find Cheviot #7 in labor (see Sneak Peek post.) I checked on Bunny and the white lamb to see how things were going. The poor little guy was crying and crying for his mom. I tried bringing him close to her and she continued to butt him. I decided then that we had our first bottle baby. Shepherding 201 had begun. Meanwhile Cheviot #7 was in labor, Baab was rudely sticking his nose where it didn't belong, the little white lamb was crying, we had to set up a pen for him in the house, and I had to rest for work. Oh, and I forgot to mention that hubby hadn't slept yet from working the night before!

Hubby set up a dog kennel in the laundry room and went to bed. I put the white lamb, who we named Duncan, into the kennel and mixed up two ounces of powdered colostrum I had on hand. At first he didn't know what to do with a Pritchard nipple on a soda bottle, but once I squirted some of the warm liquid into his mouth, he figured it out!

It is now 10 days later and Duncan is doing great. He weighs 7 lb. 10 oz. and is receiving five feedings a day. We should be able to decrease that to four in a few more days. We still have him in the kennel, but we get him out with the rest of the flock in the barnyard for a good portion of the day. Next week, we plan on putting him in with the flock again and bringing his bottle to him.

Thanks for telling my story, mom! I'm sorry the Shepherdess didn't have time to tell you about Cheviot #7 and her ewe lamb. She'll tell you next time, okay? I need to be fed - and then take another nap!

Tuesday, May 12, 2009

Sneak Peek

We have had a very busy time in the 10 days since I last posted. And I have no time to post right now. I have class in the morning. But...I reallllly want to share a few pics as a teaser to what has kept us working hard on the farm this past week.

This is little BFL Shetland Mule Duncan. He will be whethered. He is our first bottle baby. I will share his story in one of the next posts.

***WARNING*** The next few photos are - ummmnnn - shocking!

Cheviot #7 chose to start lambing right outside the ram pen.

Roundabout Acres Baab just couldn't leave her alone. How rude!

Cheviot #7 and her 2009 lamb. She needed a little help from the Shepherdess. Details to come in the next post!

Saturday, May 2, 2009

Roundabout Acres' first Shetland Mule Lamb!

Little Red Oak Lily is the (fiercely) proud mother of our first Shetland mule lamb out of Beechtree Dougal. The lamb is beautiful...and a boy! Oh well. His fleece looks purly like his sire; he will make a great whether for a companion or fiber pet. He has the most lovely face and eyes. LRO Lily (moorit, scurred) is our "wildest" Shetland. She does not seek any attention from humans and she is extremely protective of her lambs. Last year she gave us a single white ram lamb with a big moorit spot. He had wonderful fleece but tight horns. He went to the freezer. So, this year she gave us another boy with fabulous fleece. At least, with the Mulesheep, we don't need to worry about horns. This big lamb weighed in at 10 lb. 7 oz. Below are a few pictures of Danny-Boy.

Also on Friday, our Mulesheep Maliah (from Psalm 23 Farm) gave birth to a black single ram lamb. Maliah is a very friendly ewe and she had no problem letting me handle her boy and stripping her teats. The BFL mules do have a HUGE udder! Her lamb should have no problem getting plenty of milk. He has white hair on his face and ears and a spotted nose; he is 1/2 BFL 1/4 Shetland 1/4 Cheviot. This boy weighed in at 10 lb. 3 oz. I don't know if I can get grey out of this combination and we have plenty of black right now; pending fleece evaluation, he will be a freezer lamb. His name is Lamb Chop. Enough said.

And finally, I have to share a few pictures of pregnant ewes. Cheviot ewe #7 is so wide and flat, her back is like a table top! I'm hoping she has two lambs in there. Her udder is filling more, so maybe she will lamb in the next few days. She is bred to BFL Dougal for BFL-Cheviot lambs.

Below is Chev. #7 in the feeding area I made for the ewes. It is not visible in the photo, but the left side of her is just as wide as the right. She is moving slowly the last few days. To the left of her, you can see a stile I made out of tube panels so the llamas couldn't get through. The llamas love grain but they don't need much, if any. It just makes them fat. Llamas will spit at each other to get the choicest spot at the feeder. I got tired of being caught in the "spitting wars" while I was trying to feed pregnant ewes their much-needed grain! It works very well for the ewes. As for the llamas, I think they have finally accepted that I am smarter than them. (Maybe...?)

And below is Little Red Oak Bella, a moorit, HST ewe. Her bag is expanding and she is widening out. She is bred to BFL Dougal also.